Tuesday, October 6, 2009

So before I woke up today,

I had a dream.

I don't remember the entire thing but one part I remember was like, I was back in secondary school. But I was older and maybe i dropped out of school and I remember The girl, I think she was asking a question and I answer something like "I finally had enough balls to come back". Then suddenly, though frankly i think How could i possibly dream of something like that, I caress her face and pulled her closer and kissed. Then I walked forward somewhere.

Thens I wokes up. And was all like "Woah". I think this dream, is telling me that I have the courage or will to face my past, be it mistakes or whatever, Or so I assume as symbolized by going back to secondary. Maybe it had something to do with The girl.

Or maybe...I need to stop playing my PSP right before bed.

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