Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mighty Morphin TOA Rangers.

So a friend of mine in IL0901-1, Lydia made the TOA Rangers. And through my awesomeness I am the (Crazy) White Ranger. For those of you who are not as the same college as I, I am known to always wear white, have an intense hate for the person green ranger is based upon and I spam Ow, I'm sorreh over and over. Also obligatory People power.

So anyway, today we finished our first 'drama' in class. Every group but one got A-. Li Wen's group got A, but I only played The Devil in it, but I was shoo awesome, maybe.
So we all got divided into different groups, and I'm looking forward to the next one.

After that Gary, our Drama lecturer had us do another expression, Happiness. Which was really easy compared to fear.

Especially when "THE ULTIMATE HAPPINESS" can be so easily achieved. So I imagined that I won the AWESOME AWARD for killing R. Its like the ultimate ecstasy, And I got an A :B

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